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Alberto Federico Ravell Arreaza

Alberto Federico Ravell Arreaza

Alberto Federico Ravell is a renowned Venezuelan journalist and opponent to the Bolivarian government of Venezuela, since the presidency of Hugo Chávez Frías. He was media director of different electoral campaigns, among which stands out that of Carlos Andrés Pérez to the Presidency of Venezuela in 1974, for the Partido Acción Democrática, of which his father Alberto Ravell was the founder. He has held various public positions in the field of communications, being Director of the Office of Central Information of the Venezuelan National Government (1974) and Director of Canal 8, Venezolana de Televisión – VTV (1984)

Along with Guillermo Zuloaga and Luis Teófilo Núñez, in 1994 he founded the Venezuelan news channel Globovisión, of which he was its general director until 2010, when he is asked to resign. In June 2010 he decided to found the news website La Patilla, media that has been pointed out by the Venezuelan government of being part of an strategy of national destabilization. In 2011, along with the entrepreneur Tobías Carrero Nácar, he buys the Colombian channel Cable Noticias, as part of a controversial transaction for its worth, 17 millions dollars, and the source of the funds used by Ravell and Carrero Nácar to make the payment.

Alternative news websites like Aporrea, have linked Ravell, his daughter Isabel Cristina and his son-in-law Jesús Ramírez to the company PanBienes, registered in the city of Panamá in 2007 and dedicated to collecting money and to making loans to entrepreneurs. The company was alerted on multiple occasions by the Superintendency of Banks of Panamá, due to the performance of operations for which they were not legally authorized. It closed in 2009, leaving a mantle of doubt about its operation.

Alberto Federico Ravell was linked in 2015 to an investigation for defamation and slander, through a lawsuit filed by the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, for the reproduction on the Website La Patilla and other opponent media, of a news item of the ABC of Spain that tried to link Cabello with drug trafficking networks [ii]. Ravell was punished with a restraining measure of departure from Venezuela due to this investigation. In the recent months there has been a permanent exchange of accusations between Nicolás Maduro and Alberto Ravell, through social networks.

Media Outlets


Media Outlet

Cable Noticias TV S.A.S.

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Isabel Cristina Ravell

Daughter. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Website La Patilla, opposed to the government of Nicolás Maduro and managed by her father, the journalist Alberto Ravell. She is also director of the digital agency Analiticom and of Digital Marketing. There is a legal action in force that restrict her departure from Venezuela, due to an open process against the Website La Patilla for the crimes of defamation and slander, due to the reproduction of a news item of the ABC of Spain that pointed out the existence of connections between Diosdado Cabello, president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, and drug trafficking.

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    Global Media Registry
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